59 research outputs found

    Internet Based Self Service Systems for Customer Oriented Processes in Public Administration

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    Self service systems in public administration can lead to a more efficient organization as well as to an improved customer orientation. The objective is to offer high-quality services and to involve the service recipient in the administrative process to a greater extent. Re-engineering public service processes is necessary to promote a shift from the supplier-dominated push principle to a demand-oriented pull principle. A self service infrastructure allows direct access to IT supported public services. The transactions between service suppliers and service recipients are based on Internet communication. A smartcard represents a powerful element to identify and authenticate the user and offers value-added functions such as data storage, data encryption or electronic payment

    Conceptualising and Understanding User Behaviour in Enterprise Social Networks: A Qualitative Analysis

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    Social commerce greatly changes buyers’ purchase behavior nowadays. Understanding the psychological mechanism of consumers’ purchase behavior is important for both buyers and sellers in social commerce platform. This study will examine the nature and role of psychological contract (PC) that is an utmost important variable in social commerce context. The psychological contract comprises a consumer’s beliefs about the reciprocal obligations that exist between him/her and sellers or other social members. Specifically, we propose that consumers may make purchase decisions by two processes, in which two types of PC--transactional contract and relational contract are the key mediators. In addition, we further discuss the antecedents (platform website ethics, the reliability of social elements) and consequences (trust and satisfaction in the platform) of PC, and their impacts on purchase intention. We plan to empirically test our model by collecting survey data from the users from the largest social commerce website in China—Taobao

    Development and evaluation of ensemble-based classification models for predicting unplanned hospital readmissions after hysterectomy

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    Unplanned hospital readmissions are a key indicator of quality in healthcare and can lead to high unnecessary costs for the hospital due to additional required resources or reduced payments by insurers or governments. Predictive analytics can support the identification of patients at high-risk for readmission early on to enable timely interventions. In Australia, hysterectomies present the 2nd highest observed readmission rates of all surgical procedures in public hospitals. Prior research so far only focuses on developing explanatory models to identify associated risk factors for past patients. In this study, we develop and compare 24 prediction models using state-of-the-art sampling and ensemble methods to counter common problems in readmission prediction, such as imbalanced data and poor performance of individual classifiers. The application and evaluation of these models are presented, resulting in an excellent predictive power with under- and oversampling and an additional slight increase in performance when combined with ensemble methods

    Helper, Sharer or Seeker? - A Concept to Determine Knowledge Worker Roles in Enterprise Social Networks

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    In order to manage knowledge work, companies need to understand how knowledge is shared, integrated, translated and transformed in organisa-tional practice. However, knowledge work often happens in informal organisa-tional structures, thus, making it difficult to identify and understand the occurring knowledge practices and participating actors. Enterprise Social Networks (ESN), i.e. internally accessible social networking services, have evolved as important platforms for knowledge work. Facilitating knowledge interactions between us-ers, the analysis of ESN data might be well suited for characterising and identi-fying knowledge actions and different knowledge worker roles. Drawing on an existing knowledge worker role typology as well as findings from social media research, this paper develops a conceptual basis that serves as starting point for determining knowledge worker roles using ESN data. The next steps of this re-search involve the empirical testing of the typology using data obtained from a real case scenario

    Analyse der Meinungsentwicklung in Online Foren – Konzept und Fallstudie

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    Das Web 2.0 ist u.a. auch eine weltweite Plattform fĂŒr MeinungsĂ€ußerungen. Immer mehr Kunden diskutieren online ĂŒber Produkte und tauschen Erfahrungen aus. Die Analyse der Online BeitrĂ€ge stellt daher ein wichtiges Marktforschungsinstrument dar. Es wird ein Ansatz zur automatischen Identifikation, Aggregation und Analyse von Meinungen mittels Text Mining vorgestellt und dessen Anwendung an einem Beispiel aus der Sportartikelindustrie aufgezeigt

    Proactive Customer Relationship Management In E-Commerce

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    By addressing customers individually and taking over selected tasks, push concepts allow suppliers to play a more active role in e-commerce and to improve their customer relationship management (CRM). An overview on nature, concepts and technical implementations of push concepts is given. The main characteristics of CRM and opportunities offered by concepts of mass customization are described. Special attention is paid to push concepts on relationship level, as this is particularly relevant for CRM. Different approaches to predict future needs of the customer and to derive individual offers are introduced. In the proposed concept, actively addressing customers leads to differentiation strategies at moderate costs. The advantages of integrating push concepts into CRM are summarized and classified in a final conclusion

    Using On-line Guided-Self Determination to Provide High Quality Diabetes Self-Management: An analysis with Activity Theory

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    This paper presents and evaluation of the use of a developed on line guided Self-Determination (GSD) solution for young adults with Type 1 diabetes. Activity theory is proffered as a suitable analysis lens to highlight and unpack key social interactions. An exploratory descriptive design with four stages that involved: (1) developing the GSD program online; (2) training diabetes educators to use the GSD program in an online format; (3) implementing and pilot testing the GSD program; and (d) evaluating the online version formed the adopted methodology
